Tag Archives: Mt. Tecumseh

Back on the Mountains- Tecumseh

It’s already the end of June. It occurred to me earlier this week that I have not been making much progress in 2015 on my goal of knocking down the 48 high peaks of New Hampshire in the White Mountains (for which this blog was created for).

Looking at my summer research schedule, I find myself with Thursdays mostly free. This Thursday just happened to fit the bill nicely, and I decided that I’d make a trip to knock off one of the smaller, easier peaks- Mt. Tecumseh.

This week, I worked my legs. Tuesday with a hard swim (53 laps in an hour) & Wednesday with a full stadium tour and bangers run. Also, biking at least 7 miles each day. I went to bed last night after hanging out at the Drop with sore legs. My calves were aching the most- from going downstairs at the stadium. I figured I would be fine hiking the parts I can’t run and just relaxing, letting Sky run free.

I chose Tecumseh because it is the shortest of the high peaks, it’s hike is about 5 miles round trip, and it’s very simple with a view at the top. I don’t know when else I’d want to do it, other than when my legs need a break, which makes this mountain the perfect candidate for today.

5:30am- wake up hard to my alarm, question my sanity for waking up at this time every morning, crawl out of bed, feed Sky, pee, change, and head out.

6am- in the car, on the way. Sky passed out in the back. Stop for gas and a doughnut.

8:30am- parked at Waterville Valley Ski resort, any other cars? Nope. Let Sky out, decided that she is so fracking well behaved that I didn’t bring her leash. I wouldn’t need it.


I found myself shouting from time to time “GOOD GIRL SKY!!!” very loudly and enthusiastically even when Sky was only being mildly good. I was hoping to scare off any lingering bears or moose that might be around. I am going to proclaim that it was a success because we did not see a bear. I do not want to think about what would have happened with Sky off leash if we had– although I think she would respond to me yelling at her to stay. Who knows. Let’s hope we never have to.

9:45am- Found the summit.

On the way up, we passed a clearing for a ski slope and took a nice photo.

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From the summit:



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I hung around up there for maybe 15 minutes, taking photos and just sitting with my best friend.

10:00am- Start to descend.

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Cooling off in the brook.

Cooling off in the brook.

11:00am- Found my car.

Short successful hike/run. Just short of 5 miles and just short of 2200ft elevation gain.

This is my 16th high peak of the 48 and Sky’s FIRST peak! I made it home in time for my doctor’s appointment this afternoon and feel glad I went. Yeah, it’s a lot of driving for not so much trail time, but what else am I doing that is so important??

We only ran into 3 others on the trail, all on the way back down. Sky was so well behaved off leash. She stayed on trail, never ran too far ahead, always was looking for where I was. She stopped when I stopped and when we did see others up ahead, she just sat down and waited for me to catch up and give her a command that she could go. She’s so athletic and so smart, I am truly proud of her for how well she has adjusted. She is my best friend, my co-pilot, and I want to spend as much time with her as possible.

On a side-note: I am getting 2 new tattoo pieces next week– a bear and a wolf. Today, I thought a lot about the wolf, as I do while I am in the woods. I’ve written about my ‘lone wolf’ mentality before so I won’t repeat myself, but I felt it in me today. I had myself, my ambition, and my dog. I didn’t want anything or anyone else. It wasn’t a long or arduous adventure today, but I felt complete in who I am and what I am doing. Lone Wolf.