Monthly Archives: February 2017

Find your wolf; that is an order

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I have this pipe dream personal goal for 2017 in which I somehow complete a 100 mile race. I’ve lived my life up to this point never once dreaming that I could think that is possible and I think that lack of confidence and dreaming has some residual interference on my current perspective. I am struggling to return to ‘form’. In 2013-2014 range, I was pretty fit. Not super fit or anywhere near the fastest in any race, but I could run double digit runs on the regular and feel pretty strong and happy at the end, like it wasn’t a total struggle. Then, I pushed myself for a few years between completing the Mountain Goat Series and then having 2 years of ultras.

Now that I want to get back into fitness, I am having a lot of trouble. I have put on 20lbs in that time span. I can’t run as fast or as far on any given run anymore. I feel tired and winded. My muscles hurt for a while after each run. I feel ready to stop after only a few miles. I don’t run straight for the majority of my runs anymore and welcome the stops.

This mental and physical roadblock is really upsetting me. I know that all things take work and patience and perseverance, but I don’t know if I can make it happen. If I run a 100m, it will be July at the earliest, which doesn’t give me a ton of time to snap out of it. I had hoped to start base building back in December and to be in relatively good shape by Feb, good enough to increase my weekly mileage beyond where it is now. Instead, I have been nursing various cascades on injuries and only recently started to feel good running again. I think I need to dedicate more time to running real workouts 1 or 2 times each week and to really use my run commutes as proper recovery.

What is the point of this post? I’m not sure. I think I just need to redefine or reignite my inner wolf. I’ll let everyone know how this develops.
