Monthly Archives: December 2014

Sky’s the limit- I got a dog!

If you have ever heard me talk ever in your life, you know I am in love with dogs.

Well, that love has finally manifested itself into something BIG. As big as the Sky?

Meet my newest edition: Sky!

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Don’t be fooled by her in these photos– she is not at all calm and sleepy all the time. I adopted her from Last Hope K9 Rescue, a wonderful organization that is all volunteer run and functions on foster homes and empty spaces in New England kennels. Sky was living in a nearby kennel called “Crate Escape” where she wasn’t caged all day, but also didn’t have her own family! She is ~ 2 years old (we think) and her adoption papers say “Border Collie/ Lab mix” but upon inspection, I think she might be Border Collie, Pit Bull mix (let’s not tell anyone though). She is docile and smart and energetic and listens to the commands that she knows and likes learning more.

I’m excited to have adventures with her!