Tag Archives: ILoVermont

VT weekend- Mansfield, Ellen, Abraham (#3 & #4)

I have so much to catch up on and no desire to type out a story. So I’ll be super brief.

A few weekends ago we went up the Vermont– a large group of Bostonians… plus Hannah and a new friend named Dani. To sum it up:

Saturday- Jeremy, Ruby, and I went up the steep AF Hellbrook trail, dropped off Ruby + Buck, and J, Sky and I continued on up the apple, chin, and over to the forehead of Mt. Mansfield, the tallest mountain in Vermont. I have climbed this in the past so I am not counting it as a new summit. Windy and rain, but the Long Trail on top is clear and beautiful. We went back on the LT down, running on wet rock and flying! It felt great!

Sunday’s adventure was a traverse. Ryan, J, and new friend Dani and I went from App gap to Lincoln Gap on the LT.. Hannah and Ruby performed a miraculous car swap for us. On this hike, we hit summits of Mt. Ellen (4, 081 ft) and Mt. Abraham (4, 016) (and some smaller peaks along the way). It was a great weekend where I felt strong the whole way!


Great weekend of climbing and drinking and dogs and friends!